
The Law of Treaties - 1ª Edição 2016 - A comprehensive study of the 1969 Vienna Convention and beyond - 1ª Edição | 2016

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Edição: 1ª Edição
Autor: Valerio de Oliveira Mazzuoli | Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque (Prefácio)
Acabamento: Brochura
ISBN: 9788530956868
Data de Publicação: 16/02/2016
Formato: 23 x 16 x 2.814 cm
Páginas: 672
Peso: 0.87kg


The extraordinary growth in the number of international treaties concluded in recent decades has awakened the interest in the study of the Law of Treaties throughout the world. Nevertheless, many of the works that have been recently published do not reach a satisfactory degree of detail. This book, written by one of the most renowned Brazilian internationalists, deepens the study of the law of treaties by offering specific solutions to current legal problems. It provides a high-level theoretical and practical approach, touching upon all major current issues of the law of treaties. It is noteworthy that each subject-matter discussed in this work was thoroughly analyzed and supported by a rigorous methodology, including the use of the most accurate terminology and a well-reasoned explanation of each of the issues addressed in accordance with the most authoritative legal scholarly writings. This work is also a helpful reference for governmental and diplomatic officials, legal practitioners and the legal academia at large in trying to understand how international acts are negotiated and adopted, what the rules are for the formulation of reservations and introduction of amendments to conventional texts, how a State is definitely deemed to be bound by an international act or treaty, etc.

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Etiquetas: Direito Internacional, OIT, ONU, OMC, UNICEF, comércio internacional, Direito internacional penal, Crime contra a humanidade, Pandemia de COVID-19, Desenvolvimento sustentável, Refugiados, Relações internacionais, Tribunais internacionais, usp, abdi, cbdi, ANAIS DO 18º CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE DIREITO INTERNACIONAL, Direito Europeu, tratado de Lisboa, união europeia, Convenção de Viena, LLM em arbitragem, advogado militante, consultor jurídico, Organização Internacional do Trabalho, corte internacional de justiça, polícia internacional, Interpol, Blocos Comerciais, Acordos internacionais, tratados internacionais, águas internacionais, limite territorial marítimo, Organização das Nações Unidas, Organização Mundial do Comércio