
ATLAIDS - atlas of pathology of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - 1ª Edição | 2010

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Edição: 1ª Edição
Autor: Carlos Alberto Basilio De Oliveira
Acabamento: Capa Dura
ISBN: 9788538801214
Ano de Publicação: 2010
Formato: 25 x 17 x 1.8 cm
Páginas: 332
Peso: 0.73kg


ATLAIDS is a work of modern medical science which presents an extensive content with updated texts in the areas of medical knowledge about AIDS, and 1,100 illustrations covering, with macroscopic, cytopathological or histopathological view, and additional tests such as Rx, CT MRI digestive tract endoscopy, laryngoscopy and fundus, the anatomopathological changes of various forms of opportunistic infections, malignancies, drug reactions and other diseases that affect HIV-infected/AIDS patients. Chapters covering topics such as epidemiology, zoonotic origin of the etiologic agents, medico-legal aspects, ethics, biosecurity, medical informatics and telepathology have also been added to feature the multiprofessional character of this book.
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Etiquetas: infectologia, Alergologistas, Imunologistas Clínicos, Dermatologistas, imunologia, infectologia, virologia, reação alérgica, alergias, alergia genética, terapia intensiva, patologia, doenças infecciosas, clinica geral, sírio-libanês, medicina de urgência, virologia, doenças parasitárias, coronavírus, imunopatologia, doenças tropicais, geografia médica, covid-19, coronavírus, pandemia, biossegurança, protocolos de biossegurança, antibióticos, antifúngicos, parasitologia, imunologia